To encourage my prayer supporters, here are a list of answered prayers:
November 2011:
- Alicia became a CHRISTIAN!
- Soul Thirst has reached a consistant 25 people!
- Students stepped out in boldness through prayer and a proxe station on community/Thanksgiving
- Students regularly invite their friends to Bible Study and Soul Thirst!
- Students are thankful for the community they have with IV :)
- Students say they have been challenged in so many ways this semester!
- God has definitely provided for me financially!
- Long Beach Christian Fellowship really feels like home for me and I am filled up there by the worship, pastor, and community.
- Alicia invited Sara to things and we get along super well!
- I have built trust with many of the students!
- God did AMAZING things at the REAL (Black Student Conference) in the lives of Akayza and Jaquies
- Talks about Racial Reconciliation/ diverse community/ multi-ethnic Kingdom of God went really well and seeds were planted that will definitely bare fruit over the years!
- Our community is getting so good at loving one another AND being missional! (That is a HARD balance to have but they are doing so great!)
- CSULB is my campus, God has def broken my heart for it and intercession feels so natural.
- I am getting better at looking like a fool/taking risks, knowing that whatever I do, according to God's will, does not return void! Yay death to image/pride! :D
October 2011:
- One student became a Christian at FALL CON!!! Another re-dedicated her life/made a FIRST TIME adult decision!!! AMEN!
- 18 students WENT to fall con!
- We had a Soul Thirst of THIRTY students!!
- We found an AWESOME church community, Long Beach Christian Fellowship, and are getting plugged in!
- Jesus has provided financially through supportive friends! (Yay Christian community that exists even after awesome IV people graduate!)
- Sarah and I worked through lots of conflict/differences and continue to learn how to love one another and serve together!
- Students are sharing openly together about their lives, hanging out more outside of IV, and growing in being missional!
September 2011:
- THE REVIVAL HAS BEGUN!!! (Ignite, Sept. 10th 2011, will be remembered as a day when the Holy Spirit began to change students and campuses, to bring the Kingdom of God!) Left and right students are becoming Christians across SoCal, leading GIGs (God investigation groups), starting spiritual conversations, etc. etc!!!
- Sam, Daniel, Brendan and I are learning more and more what it means to live in community and we've starting checking out some great churches! The two we've gone to thus far have been talking of the Revival coming, which is sooo encouraging for me!
- God continues to help me vision for CSULB, to break my heart for the campus.
- Growing closer to students, getting to share my life with them and join in their lives
- Sarah and I are growing closer as partners and friends :)
August 2011:
- Found a job I love! I am helping homeschool a little girl and a personal/office assistant to her mom :)
- Brendan and I worked out some major conflict issues and I am more hopeful and excited (woo-hoo! GOD IS AWESOME and FAITHFUL!)
- Finally getting on CSULB's campus was amazing and I am already feeling connected to the students (PRAISE JESUS because I know that isn't natural for me!)
July 2011:
- The Intern Trek awakened my hunger and thirst for the LORD in my life, and burned a new my desire to see Revival at CSULB, in So Cal, and around the world!
- Job interviews :) round 2, fight!
June 2011:
- God guided me to CSU Long Beach
- Brendan and I found a wonderful couple, the Harrys, to do our pre-marital counseling!
- Staff Con was AMAZING!