Brendan and I gave a talk together tonight about God's love for us, specifically how He delights in us. It was amazing to prepare and do together.
What was most amazing though, at least for me, was how I felt God's delight in the midst of the talk. Part of me does not even care if people got anything out of it because just giving the talk was good for me! (Ok, all of me cares... hah. I guess I'm just trying to say is that even if no one got anything out of it, I know it was still a good thing! This is, of course, silly, cuz I know people got stuff out of it... so now I'm just rambling!)
God rocks! He loves me. He delights in me. He brags about me to angels (YES, angels!) He jumps up and down! I am His masterpiece and I should be hung up on the wall for all to see! I was specially created. He knows me inside and out. He is pleased in me. I am His. He rejoices over me with singing. He loves me with a no-matter-whatness that is hard to comprehend. Nothing separates me from His love. He chases after me when I try to get away from His love. He loves uncontrollably!
God is good.
Practical ways to remember God's delight:
1) Reflect on a few passages that have been helpful in the past (some for me are Psalm 23, 27, 28, or the story of the "Prodigal son" which is really the story of our AWESOME Father!)
2) Pick a worship song to sing in the morning while you get ready for your day, thinking about God's goodness.
3) Do something that you REALLY love (I generally recommend tactile activies, aka not tv): baking, hiking, drawing, play guitar, going on a walk, swimming, eating good food, etc. and as you ENJOY the activity, reflect on how God enjoys you so much!!! :)
4) Pray for God to SHOW you His love and delight.
5) Spend time with a close friend or family member and work on delighting in them. As you do so, pray that God would help you to see the way He delights in you!
6) Remember the amazing things God has done for you, how He provides for your needs, etc.
7) Go on a date with God. Seriously. Rent a movie, get a bottle of fancy Trader Joe's beverage, your favorite candies, and curl up in a blanket! Go on a picnic! Do something fun with God
8) Praise Him. Even if you don't feel like it... I promise, with time it helps to see the things you are saying as a reality.
9) Write out a helpful verse and put it on your mirror/ some place you will see it every day (Jeremiah 1:5 for example).
10) Since obviously there must be 10 things... pray with someone else to see/experience God's love. Check in every couple of days. Remind each other of God's goodness, ask to hear exciting stories. As you share, encourage the other person. As you listen, rejoice with them in the ways God is good :)
Just some thoughts, they work for me; at different times I need different things. God bless!
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